Leave a Bequest

Create a legacy that empowers future generations of Scouts

By including Scouting America, Aloha Council in your will or living trust, you ensure that the values of leadership, service, and adventure continue to inspire young people for years to come.

  • Simple & Flexible: A bequest costs nothing now but allows you to make a meaningful impact in the future. You can modify your gift at any time.
  • Preserve Your Assets: Your estate remains available to you during your lifetime while securing a legacy for Scouting.
  • Potential Tax Benefits: Your gift may reduce estate taxes while maximizing the impact of your generosity.

Making a bequest is easy. Simply designate Scouting America, Aloha Council as a beneficiary in your will or trust. You can choose to leave:

  • A specific dollar amount or percentage of your estate
  • A specific asset, such as real estate or securities
  • The residue of your estate after providing for loved ones

By planning now, you can help build strong leaders and ensure that Scouting continues to be a meaningful experience for future generations. To learn more about making a bequest, contact us at (808) 595-6366 or scoutinghawaii@scouting.org.

In addition, please consult your financial advisor, tax professional, or attorney to determine how charitable giving may impact your individual situation.

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