Eagle Advancement
Once an Eagle, Always an Eagle
Scouts on Hawai’i Island may invite the Elks Lodge to their upcoming Eagle Scout Court of Honor. The scout or scout’s unit can send an invite to the email below and request presentation to be held for the Eagle Scout. The presentation (approx. 5-10 minutes) will include Eagle Scout certificates from the Grand Lodge, a congratulatory letter, and an Eagle Scout certificate from the local Lodge. Contact Miles Nakatsu at hiloelks759@hotmail.com.
Eagle Resources

We are excited you are interested in joining Scouting! Connect with a unit today.
National Scholarships
Adams Eagle Scout Service Project of the Year Award
The National Eagle Scout Association established the Glenn A. and Melinda W. Adams National Eagle Scout service project of the year award (ESSPY) to recognize valuable service of an exceptional nature by an Eagle Scout candidate to a religious institution, a school, community or other entity through completion of an Eagle Scout project.
Click Here for the Nomination Award Form
Click Here for more information!
Nominations for the Award
- An Eagle Scout, parents, or any registered BSA volunteer (with the Eagle Scout’s permission) may submit Eagle Scout service projects to their local council for consideration.
- On or before January 31 the nomination must be submitted to the NESA committee of the council in which the service project was completed.
- Example: An Eagle Scout who completed an Eagle Board of Review in 2024, must have their nomination in by January 31, 2025
National Eagle Scout Association Scholarship
- Eagle Scouts must be a member of the National Eagle Scout Association (NESA) to apply.
- Eagle Scouts may apply for NESA scholarships beginning in their senior year of high school through their junior year in an undergraduate program or by the halfway point of their associate degree program or skilled trade program.
- Recipients may receive a NESA scholarship one time only.
- NESA scholarships are available to Eagle Scouts currently enrolled in or accepted by an accredited educational institution as a full-time student (at least 12 credit hours) in a program leading to an academic degree (including associate degrees) or a skilled trade program.
- Cooke four-year scholarship awardees must be enrolled in an accredited four year college or university as a full-time student (at least 12 credit hours) in a program leading to a bachelors degree.
- NESA scholarships are not available to students attending any of the U.S. military academies.
- NESA scholarships are not available to graduate students pursuing a master’s or doctoral degree.
Application Timeline
Eagle Board of Review Date:
Must be on or before January 24, 2025
Application Portal Open:
December 1, 2024, through January 31, 2025
Application Must be Completed and Submitted
By 11:59 p.m. CST on January 31, 2025
Announcement of Scholarship Awards:
June 10, 2025
For more information and too apply please visit the NESA scholarships page
Scouting America keeps a list of academic scholarships available to Scouts across all programs.
Click here to view more scholarships available from scouting.org
Click here to visit the National Catholic Committee on Scouting scholarship page
PADI Scholarship Program
Scholarships are available for multiple training levels. SEE LINK for details and share with your Scouts BSA, Venturers and Sea Scouts. The deadline for BSA/PADI Applications is December 31, 2024. Applicants will be notified of status end of the First Quarter 2025. Request for Extension of Time to Earn the Eagle Scout Rank Appeal of Extension Request Denial Time Extensions Process for Requesting and Reviewing a Time Extension
Advancement Report
Local Scholarships
Aloha Council NESA Community Service Award
Distinguished Eagle Scout John Henry Felix is a dedicated support of Scouting in Hawaii and served as a model scout and community leader for decades. He continues to be a prominent businessman in Hawaii, serving on many non-profit boards.
This award honors an Eagle Scout who has demonstrated above average service to the community with more than one hundred hours of community service over a two (2) year period not part of the Eagle Scout Project.
Eagle Project Scholarship
The Eagle Scout Service Project is both the pinnacle and capstone accomplishment toward attaining the highest rank in Scouting. It demonstrates leadership, perseverance, and commitment to community service and Scouting. This scholarship is awarded to a new Eagle whose project is judged to most effectively illustrate these traits compared to other submitted projects.
Ke’ehi Memorial Organization Scholarship Program
These scholarships can be used for college, university, technical school, trade school, or other certified programs. These scholarships are open to all seniors and Eagle Scouts.