Order of the Arrow
Order of the Arrow
For over 100 years, the Order of the Arrow (OA) has recognized Scouts and Scouters who best exemplify the Scout Oath and Law in their daily lives. Arrowmen are known for maintaining camping traditions and spirit, promoting year-round and long term resident camping, and providing cheerful service to others.
The Na Mokupuni O Lawelawe Lodge 567
The Na Mokupuni O Lawelawe Lodge 567 is the local branch of the National Order of the Arrow organization.
The Na Mokupuni O Lawelawe Lodge 567 is the local branch of the National Order of the Arrow organization. It is chartered as the local lodge of Scouting America, Aloha Council. The name “Na Mokupuni O Lawelawe” when translated into English from Hawaiian means “Islands of Service”. The lodge symbol is the “Waa Kaulua” or the Hawaiian canoe and the lodge totem is the “Pueo” or the Hawaiian Short-Eared Owl.
As Scouting’s National Honor Society, our purpose is to:
- Recognize those who best exemplify the Scout Oath and Law in their daily lives and through that recognition cause others to conduct themselves in a way that warrants similar recognition.
- Promote camping, responsible outdoor adventure, and environmental stewardship as essential components of every Scout’s experience, in the unit, year-round, and in summer camp.
- Develop leaders with the willingness, character, spirit and ability to advance the activities of their units, our Brotherhood, Scouting, and ultimately our nation.
- Crystallize the Scout habit of helpfulness into a life purpose of leadership in cheerful service to others.
To become a member, a youth must be a registered Boy Scout or Varsity Scout and hold the First Class rank or higher. He must have experienced 15 days and nights of Boy Scout camping during the two-year period prior to the election. The youth shall be elected to be a candidate.
Adults (age 21 or older) who are registered in the BSA and meet the camping requirements may be selected following nomination to the lodge adult selection committee. There is a separate nomination process for adults who would like to become an adult member of the Order of the Arrow. Please see your OA Chapter Adviser for details.

We are excited you are interested in joining Scouting! Connect with a unit today.

Do you need an Arrow of Light Ceremony or Unit Election?
Arrow of Light ceremonies and Unit Elections are performed by Order of the Arrow chapters. Every district has a chapter attached to them. Find chapter advisor contact information below.
- Carl Lee – Kapiolani: carl.lee@pobox.com
- Vacant – Hukilau:
- Lloyd Aragon – Kamehameha: lloyd_aragon@yahoo.com
- Jeff Snyder – Koolau: jeffsnyder@hawaii.rr.com
- Sherry Ballou – Kaala: slballou26@gmail.com
- Eric Nagamine – Maui Nui: enagamine@hsta.org
- John Sizelove – Kauai: jsizelovecpa@hawaii.rr.com
- Miles Nakatsu- Pukahi: ululanix@hawaiiantel.net
- Miles Nakatsu – West Hawaii: ululanix@hawaiiantel.net
- Chamorro: guamboyscouts@gmail.com