One of the Best Investments
Training is one of the best investments an adult or youth leader can make in the success of their unit. Aloha Council, the BSA, and local districts offer a wide spectrum of training to make sure every leader reaches their potential and keeps growing.
To be considered trained and wear the Trained patch on their sleeve, adult leaders must first complete Youth Protection Training, then the training below for their position.
Cub Scout Leaders
- Den Leaders and assistants: Den Leader Training
- Cubmasters and assistants: Cubmaster Training
- Pack committee members: Pack Committee Training
All of these trainings are offered online at!
Scouts BSA & Varsity Leaders
- Scoutmasters/Coaches and assistants: Scoutmaster/Coach Training and Introduction to Outdoors Leader Skills (offered in-person)
- Troop/Team committee members: Troop/Team Committee Challenge (offered online)
Venturing Leaders
- Advisors and associates: Venture Advisor Training
- Crew committee members: Crew Committee Challenge
Both of these courses are offered online!
Sea Scout Leaders
- Sea Scout Adult Leader Basic Training (offered online)
Exploring Leaders
- Advisors and associates: Advisor Trianing (online)
- Post or club committee members: Post/Club Committee Training (online)
Wood Badge
Wood Badge training is available to registered adult members of Scouting America, Aloha Council.
Click for more information on our next Wood Badge course
National Youth Leadership Training
Training offered: Click for more information on our next NYLT course
College Commissioner of Science
Click Here for more information.
Misc. Specialty
Fish On!
- AE Training Courses are facilitated by the BSA National Fishing Committee.
- Courses cover Cub Scout and Scouts BSA Fishing Basics.
- Open to youth age 15 and older and all adults