Unit Resources

General Resources

My.Scouting Tools is a dynamic tool for Scouting leadership and eventually Scouts to obtain and maintain their current information.

Log In Now

Creating a My.Scouting account is simple, a Scouter goes to My.Scouting.org and selects “Create Account.” If you have been involved with Scouting in any aspect in the past, which includes filling out an application with your name on it (even as an adult partner), the system will find you if you answer “yes” to being associated with Scouting America, Aloha Council. This helps keep all your information under one BSA number. If you don’t know your BSA number, answer “no” and the system will find it for you. Fill in the personal information, select “Next,” and create your password. You will need to log in sometime in the future, so be sure to remember your username and password.

My.Scouting Tools has two main levels of access: My Dashboard and Roster Manager. Once you have created an account and are logged into My.Scouting.org, click the “Menu” located on the top left of the landing page to get a drop down list “toolkit,” which is equivalent to BSA organization structure. For example, if you’re part of a unit, your unit will appear as a toolkit.

My Dashboard

My Dashboard is where members can take training and manage their IDs. Under My Profile, leaders and volunteers now have the ability to update their contact information. This is a huge enhancement because updates to phone numbers, email addresses, and other contact information are immediate. For more information: Download PDF

Roster Manager

Roster Manager is the second level of access which helps the unit and district Key 3. These tools let them view and export their roster information and make contact updates for anyone on their roster. The Key 3 can maintain training for the unit. If the unit chooses to use the calendar, reminders and announcements are easily created and will appear on the dashboards of other leaders with the click of a button. Calendar events become more than just a date and time on the calendar. By formatting the event, a leader can add additional information, even if it’s just a reminder to bring a sleeping bag! Problems with your My.Scouting account can be resolved by contacting the Member Care Contact Center at (972) 580-2489 between 7 a.m. – 7 p.m. Central time, Monday to Friday or sending an email to myscouting@scouting.org. For more information: Download PDF


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