Winter Summit 2024

Winter Summit

Annual Health and Medical Record forms Parts A-C are REQUIRED to attend Winter Summit.

As this will be a short-term camp, we will have a shorter period of time to work on Merit Badges.

The loose schedule for camp will be as follows:

Friday – check-in, set-up

Saturday – merit badge classes (4 class periods)

Sunday – merit badge classes (4 class periods)

Monday – make-up time, breakdown, check-out

We are looking to offer Eagle required merit badges along with elective merit badges. Eagle merit badge classes will be 3 hrs each day for a total of 6 hrs of class time. Elective merit badge classes will be 1.5 hrs each day for a total of 3 hrs of class time.

We are asking troops that are attending, that they have at least 1 adult attending to teach a merit badge(s). If they are a registered Merit Badge Counselor and would like to teach a class, please let us know immediately.

Cost for camp will be $150 for youth and $50 for adults.

  • Registration must be completed as a unit/troop. Any individual or provisional registrations will be cancelled. Troops will be providing their own food/meals (troop cook)
  • Campsites will be assigned based on number of scouts/adults attending
  • The minimum number a troop can register is 2 youth (within 2 years of age of each other) and 2 adults. This is for buddy system and 2-deep leadership
  • All adults attending must be a registered leader with the troop
  • Kilohana wall tents will be an additional charge of $25 per tent. There is a limited number of wall tents. It is on a first come, first serve basis. Please email if your troop is interested in reserving Kilohana wall tents.
  • Registration for numbers will open on Wednesday, November 6, 2024 @ 9 am.
  • There are 170 slots available
  • Registration for names and classes will open on Friday, December 6, 2024 @ 9 am
  • Late registration fees of $175 per scout and $75 per adult are effective Monday, December 9, 2024.

You may email your inquires to

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